Board of Police Commissioners, Evening Community Meeting

Detroit Board of Police Commissioners
Criminal Justice


Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team

Note-taking by Heidi Ausgood

11th precinct Commander Michael Chambers reported year-end crime statistics, with the precinct seeing significant reductions in carjackings, homicides, non-fatal shootings and robberies in 2024 as compared to 2023.

Live reporting by Colleen Cirocco

11th precinct Commander Michael Chambers reported year-end crime statistics, with the precinct seeing significant reductions in carjackings, homicides, non-fatal shootings and robberies in 2024 as compared to 2023.

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Here’s a link with information on how to join tonight’s meeting:

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Waiting on the Zoom meeting to start. Here is a link to tonight’s agenda:

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In the meeting now but there is no audio

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Okay we’re in business - I have audio and video.

Looks like we’re starting off in Public Comment.

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  1. The first commenter is approaching them about a specific homicide case - Kaniesha Coleman. I’m not sure if this is the same person, but a quick google search brought up this article:
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  1. Outer Dr and Fenelon Block Club member - an elementary school has been empty for about 20 years, have been issues with raves, drugs, etc. The building is not secured, people go in, start fires. They need help getting police activity in the area.
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  1. Former Commissioner William Davis - staff members need to be paid more, should be more investigators, commissioners should get more of a stipend, more of a consequence for commissioners who don’t show up. He says he never missed a BOPC meeting.
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Moving on to the Secretary’s Report.

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Not sure why they’re doing the agenda out of order - they must not have a quorum. Looks like they have 5 members sitting behind the panel.

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Chair Woods asks if the chief can give their report since it’s a non-voting item. He gets approval.

The chief from the 11th precinct starts introducing his staff.

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Chief says crime is trending down - homicide is down 33%, total crime is down 11%.

Mentions a significant event that happened in the parking garage at the Hollywood Casino in Greektown. Mother living in van with five children, 2 children passed away.

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Chief asks what could we have done better as a system to have prevented this tragedy.

They have opened their precincts as warming centers. Officers have been trained on working with unsheltered response team.

To the community, if you see something, you have to act.

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Chief states that we often think about unsheltered people as living on the streets, but it also includes people living in their vehicles.

He says besides this event, everything else feels pretty minor.

The chief speaking is the interim Chief of Police Todd Bettison

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Interesting that the board allows Public Comment to happen before they have a quorum, as a side note. It seems like the most important part of the meeting, seems like they should all have to be there and not just rush through it.

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Chief Bettison says that he respects the BOPC, and that the City Council needed to make sure he respects them before he could be admitted. He pledges to be the chief with the best attendance at their meetings. He wants to have honest exchanges with the public.

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Moving back in the agenda to Roll Call.

Bernard, Bell, Burton are all excused. 7 commissioners are present, there is a quorum.

Motion to approve agenda, last meetings’ minutes - approved.

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Moving on to the BOPC Officers’ Report - Resolution honoring Karen L. Washington

Someone is reading this document out loud - Karen was at the meeting but had to leave for a family emergency.

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The speaker moves that they place this document into the BOPC archives. Just realized this was Commissioner Banks the whole time.

Motion approved.

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Commander Chambers from the 11th precinct is now speaking.

Closed 2024 with a reduction in homicides, nonfatal shootings, robberies, 50% reduction in carjacking (8 less than the previous year).

This year to date, they have not had a homicide, this time last year they had five.

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The only area that has increased compared to last year is aggravated assault - they are targeting repeat domestic violence offenders.

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I found this map which outlines the precincts and districts that the BOPC serves - this meeting is focused on the 11th precinct in purple

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They have community programs for gun saftey, anti-bullying, active assailant prevention programs with schools and churches.

They are hosting a senior Valentine’s Day Dance at the VFW on Mound tomorrow.

Safety Summit on 2/27 at Vernon Chapel.

Community meetings starting up 2nd Tues of the month

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Burton asks how they have managed to not have a single homicide yet this year.

Officers, community assisting, lots of factors coming together.

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Moving on to 2 more commenters who are calling in/from Zoom

Scotty Boman from CAC - board needs to look into more transparency with video when there is an officer involved shooting.
He thinks they need their own attorney (not Linda Bernard). Necessary for an independent oversight board.

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Representative of Businessmen and Women Social Club of Detroit - wants to look into housing and transit and how it relates to public safety and public health.

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Representative from Community Relations Council for the 11th precinct is now speaking - introducing herself and thanking the interim chief for attending.

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They voted to delay these agenda items until next meeting.

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Seems like there more motions that are not on the agenda. They voted on something related to administrative assistant.

Commissioner Dewaelsche - in SW Detroit a lot of people are living in fear, a Commander has been meeting with community leadership to address their concerns.

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She notes that immigration does not just affect the Hispanic community, but anyone from another country.

Chief Bettison notes that their lane is to enforce local and state law - if you are undocumented and a victim of a crime, don’t fear about your immigration status, that’s not our jurisdiction.

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We stay within our lane. If you get arrested, you will get fingerprinted, at that point other agencies including ICE could see it.

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Motion to adjorn, motion passes at 7:32pm

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Meeting adjourned at 7:32pm. This concludes the Board of Police Commissioners evening Community Meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for 2/20/25. For more meeting coverage, check out

Agency Information

Detroit Board of Police Commissioners

The Board of Police Commissioners has supervisory control and oversight of the Police Department, including plenary authority over citizen complaints and the power to appoint fact finders, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, and require the production of evidence. The Board also appoints a civilian as Director of Police Personnel and approves all promotions made by the Chief. The 11 member board is comprised of 7 elected members from each city council district and 4 members appointed by the Mayor.

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