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Live reporting by Marvetta Rutherford
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Property owner given more time to fix lead paint violations

Denise A@cleDocumenter @CleDocuDenise
#Cleveland @cledocumenters #cledocumenters @signalcleveland has assigned me to the Building Standards and Appeals in 2 minutes! Grab your drink and join us!

08:33 AM Aug 14, 2024 CDT

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Preamble and Roll call starts this session
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Patrick Gallagher is the chairman of the Meeting..ward 14 is first. He requests that each of the cases be limited to 5 minutes
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The people are sworn in for this case. The man who is speaking is not identified but he requested items are removed from the docket. He called out several different cases. These are from 2023 and 2024
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Patty suggested that the cases are processed with a month of consideration... September 20th is the date of settlement. She suggested that Chairman Gallagher reads them into the record, and he did.
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Patty is part of the Law department This was approved by the board. Next up Ward 15 the parties are sworn in
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Jim Petropoulea is the presenter for the LLC He said he just got the matter and needs more time ie September 20th Gallagher agreed
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Motion passed Next up Ward 12
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Parties are sworn in
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Petropoulea spoke about what was done prior to this case. Only one unit was done Gallagher asked if 30 days would be sufficient Randy Atkinson said 30 days is great
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Motion passed A couple of these motions were withdrawn Next Approval of Minutes Passed by the committee The Meeting is adjourned!
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Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to Until the next time Happy HumpDay